#MakeNine2020 No.1 – DIY How to make Athina Top (Free Pattern), Super comfortable!

Hello, Sara here!
I’m so excited that I am posting the first one of my MakeNine 2020! The free pattern of Athina Top is from Tessuti Fabric. There are so many Top patterns out there, but I especially like this one because it’s a boxy style top that features extended shoulders and dropped sleeves. Those are my favourite parts. I also added slits to the sides and an oversized pocket. By the way, both are optional. πŸ™‚

If there’s any instruction that you are not sure with this Athina Top tutorial, You can always watch the video, leave me a comment or send me an email through the contact page. I will try to get back to you ASAP.

For more details of my #makenine2020 please visit my personal Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/yoursara_k/

Let’s get started! These are materials that I used for Athina Top.

The free pattern of Athina Top is from Tessuti Fabrics
The linen fabric (1.5 to 2 yards) is called Drawing Lines and it’s from Dailylike Canada http://dailylike.ca

I use Hemline H274 Plastic Point Turner Sewing Tool with Button Gauge https://amzn.to/2vpjRSL

I modified the neckline based on other sewists’ reviews (check 1:41 of the video)
Make sure the length of the shoulder seams match
I prefer using neckline facing over bias binding
This is how to draw a pattern for the neckline facing

  1. Cut the fabrics
    1 Front on fold, 1 Back on fold
    2 Sleeves, Neckline Facing (Front & Back)
    Pocket (Optional)
  2. Sew the shoulder seams
    Sew the shoulder seams RST (Right Side Together)
    Serge the seam
  3. Attach the sleeves
    Line the middle point of the sleeves with the shoulder seams
    Tip: Shoulder seams lay towards back
    Pin and sew
    Repeat for the other sleeve
    Serge the seams
  4. Sew the side seams
    Front and Back RST
    Tip: Sleeve seams lay in different directions
    Pin the side seams
    (Optional) Mark 4″ away from the hem for side slits
    Sew the side seams up to the marks
    Repeat for the other side
    Clip the curved edge
    Tip: Clipping curves helps keep them smooth on the right side
    (Optional) Serge one side of the slit parts first
    Serge the rest of the side seams
    (Optional) Fold the seams of the slits to the wrong side
    (Optional) Iron and sew
    (Optional) Repeat for the other side
  5. Make neckline facing
    Sew the shoulder seams of neckline facing RST
    Lay the seams towards the front
    Serge the outside of neckline facing
    Sew the neckline
    Pin the facing to the neckline RST
    And sew
    Clip the curved edge
    Iron and understitch the facing and the seam (1/8″)
    Tip: Check often to make sure you are sewing through both layers
    Sew the facing to the shoulder seam to secure the neck facing
  6. Hem
    Serge the hems
    Sew the hems
    Sew the top and sides, leaving an opening at the bottom
    Clip the corners and flip the pocket inside out
    Tip: Use a point turner to make corners sharp
    Fold the seam of the bottom and iron
    Sew the pocket on the preferred position

That’s it for the tutorial. This Athina Top is definitely worth making one! The top is very comfortable. I wear very often, especially if I am working on a project for a long period of time.

Thanks for reading! I will see you in the next post!

These are my online fabric shops.
Dailylike Canada http://www.dailylike.ca
Two O Nine Fabric Studio https://www.etsy.com/shop/twooninefab… Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/yoursara_k/
Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/dailylikecanada
Twitter – https://twitter.com/SewingTherapy
Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.ca/dailylikecan…

Some of the links above are affiliate links. .Clicking and purchasing through affiliate links gives me a small commission. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, I wanted to help you find the materials easier. So you can focus more on your project. Thank you.

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  1. Pingback: DIY Wrap Top: How To Make Tutorial (Free Pattern from Peppermint Magazine) MAKENINE NO.2 Such a Beautiful End Result! - Sewing Therapy

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