Hello, Sara here with a sew-along video tutorial for the Tyra Tee by Just Patterns. If you’ve been following me for a while, you could probably guess why I love this pattern so much. But in case you’re new here, I love the oversized look! And this is an intentionally oversized tee pattern! I was so happy to come across it as it is exactly what I have been looking for.

For those of you who are intimidated to sew with stretch fabrics, especially of the all too common puckering around the neckline, I’ll go over material suggestions as well as my methods for making the perfect neckline with knits. And if you have some really nice stretchy fabric, you can use that for the neckband instead of searching for matching ribbing. I have said this of many patterns, but this one is truly versatile – with various neckline widths and sleeve lengths, you can use this one pattern to make various different looks.
So, I strongly recommend watching the video if you have things that you couldn’t understand.
The pattern I used
Tyra Tee PDF pattern from Just Patterns
The fabrics I used in the video:
Cotton Jersey in Light Grey
I am a small business owner and these are my online fabric shops. 🙂
Two O Nine Fabric Studio https://twooninefabric.ca
Dailylike Canada http://www.dailylike.ca
Also, make sure to subscribe to my page for the latest updates!
Stretch Needle /Ball Point Needle/Jersey Needle
https://amzn.to/3sH4fDH (Canada)
https://amzn.to/3sKyXvN (USA)
Stretch Twin Needle (Double Needle)
https://amzn.to/3D5zBJ5 (Canada)
https://amzn.to/3AOuzP1 (USA)
Walking Presser Foot
https://amzn.to/3gbhzLu (Canada)
https://amzn.to/2W3ew0u (USA)
FAQ Material List
The sewing machine I have:
Bernette B37 Swiss Design Computerized Sewing Machine
https://amzn.to/3etYaFE (USA)
LDH Scissors and thread snip
Tailor’s Chalk Pencil
Poly Sewing Thread
Lightweight Fusible Interfacing
Wash-away Wonder Tape
Canada https://amzn.to/35DUwUj
USA https://amzn.to/39ylJc2
Craft Clips
Canada https://amzn.to/32vmK2u
USA https://amzn.to/3sjKKiU
Flat Head Pins
Canada https://amzn.to/2IaKoKm
USA https://amzn.to/32slD31
Point Turner
Canada https://amzn.to/39rgfQA
USA https://amzn.to/3qjfKyA
Recommended Material
For Stretch Fabric Sewing
Craft Clips, Best Press Clear Starch, Ball Point Needle/Jersey Needle/Stretch Needle or Twin Needle (Double Needle), Walking Presser Foot, Poly Thread
*If it’s difficult to distinguish between the right and wrong sides, remember that jersey fabric curls on the selvedge towards the wrong side
1 Front Bodice, 1 Back Bodice, 2 Sleeve, 1 Neckband
1. Front + Back Bodice
Pin and sew the Front and Back Bodice at shoulder RST (Right Side Together)
*I use a strip of fusible lightweight interfacing on the shoulder to prevent it from stretching out in the future
Pin, sew the Front and Back Bodice at shoulder and serge
2. Sleeves
Press the seam toward the Back Bodice
Pin the Bodice and Sleeve RST
Sew from the center and serge
*When pinning and sewing from the center, don’t stretch the fabric, which will lead to puckering
3. Neckline
*The original instructions provide the Neckband Lengths for each size. If you are widening the neckline, you can use this method
Measure the neckline

The Neckband = The Neckline x 0.85 + 1″
sew the short edges together RST
Open the seam and press
Fold in half and press WST (Wrong Side Together)
Mark the center of the Front and Back Bodice
Using the Front/Back centers, fold and mark the center on the shoulders
The shoulder centers should be on the front bodice neckline
Mark the centers on the raw edge of the Neckband
Match all the marks and pin the edges of Bodice and Neckband RST
It’s natural for the Neckband to be smaller than the edge of the Bodice
*If you are confident, you skip sewing and just serge the neckline
Sew/serge the Neckband onto the neckline, stretching it to fit
*Try not the stretch the neckline of the Bodice as that will lead to puckering
*I started serving from the front/side as it looks neater from the right side

4. Sideseams
Pin, sew the Front and Back Bodice at the side and underarm seams and serge RST
5. Hem
Serge the Sleeve hem and Bodice hem
Fold the hem and press
Topstitch/edgestitch (zigzag stitch or stitch with twin/double needle

And that’s it for the Tyra Tee! I’ve made several of these tees and love each one of them. I can’t wait to see yours – tag me in your posts and feel free to express any questions and thoughts in the comments section below.
Thank you very much for reading and watching! I will see you in my next post!
Some of the links above are affiliate links. Clicking and purchasing through affiliate links gives me a small commission. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, I wanted to help you find the materials easier. So you can focus more on your project. Thank you.
Let’s get connected!
Sewing Therapy
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/yoursara_k/
Blog – http://sewingtherapy.net/
Dailylike Canada
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dailylikecanada
Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/dailylikecanada
Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.ca/dailylikecanada
Two O Nine Fabric Studio
Instagram –https://www.instagram.com/twooninefabric.ca